How can i find out more information about ballot measures in howard county?

The Maryland State Legislature voted to submit an amendment to legalize marijuana. The mission of the Board of Elections is to ensure that federal, state and local elections are conducted in a timely, responsible manner and with the highest level of professional electoral standards, responsibility, security, and integrity, with the goal of earning and maintaining public trust in the electoral process. The Maryland legislature sets the date of the primary elections, which is subject to change. Election Day is the first Tuesday after the first Monday in November in even-numbered years.

The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (also known as the “NVRA” or “Motorized Voter Act”) establishes certain voter registration requirements with respect to elections for federal office. Section 5 of the NVRA requires states to provide voter registration opportunities at state motor vehicle agencies. Section 6 of the NVRA requires states to provide voter registration opportunities through a request by mail. Section 7 of the NVRA requires states to provide voter registration opportunities at certain state and local offices, including public assistance and disability offices.

Section 8 of the NVRA contains requirements regarding the administration of voter registration by states and requires states to implement procedures to maintain accurate and up-to-date voter registration lists. Election resources, including reports, election results, voter registration forms, publications, and scholarships for notaries public and state legislatures. BALTIMORE — There are five questions on state ballots, each to vote for or against a Maryland constitutional amendment. There may also be questions on the local ballot, depending on the jurisdiction.

Question 5, if approved by a majority of Howard County voters and voters across the state, would eliminate the election of judges to the Howard County Orphan Court and Orphan Court. If approved, this constitutional amendment would repeal county elections to elect Howard County Orphan Court judges and would require Howard County Circuit Court judges to act as Howard County Orphans Court. Under the amended Act, one of the parties could no longer appeal a final judgment of the Howard County Orphans Court to the Howard County Circuit Court, but could appeal directly to the Court of Special Appeals. As stated above, general ballots will have five constitutional amendments (found here) and a question for the Howard County local ballot (found here on page 2).